Pentecostal Church John 14:6



“The Lord said to the servant, ‘Go in the ways and the fences, and force them to come in, that my house may be filled'” (Luke 14:23).

  1. Churches always encounter the problem that exponents of church-building calls the “narrow gate” and the “wide gate.” This means that adding souls to the church costs and gives a lot of work so that they can enter the “narrow gate.”
  2. However, the exodus becomes easy and without notice. Through the “wide gate” they run off and disappear forever and no one knows because they are no longer in the congregation. The Visitation Section is focused on better serving the individual needs of each member and visitor to the church. Whether these spiritual or emotional, imitating with them the principle of the Lord Jesus in his visit with his friends: Mary, Martha, Lazarus, because we believe that in the visitation, is taught, strengthened and encouraged people. It also allows for maintaining and retaining members in the congregation.
  3. The Visitation Section not only allows quantitative growth to reach many, but also quantitative, since the visitation allows to strengthen in the faith to the new ones and to grow spiritually.

General Objective

  1. Do the work of God.
  2. Enhance the church.
  3. Win the lost for Christ.
  4. Pray, help, encourage the needy.


  1. Visiting absent and withdrawn members.
  2. Visiting new people in the church and prospective members.
  3. Visit the regular members, pray for their needs and thank their faithfulness.


Director: They are responsible for planning, coordinating and promoting the Visitation Section.

Collaborators: Brothers and sisters organized in groups with definite designations


  • Spirit of confidence. To be able to retain secrets.
  • Purpose of building with positive tone.
  • Do not have prophetic meetings.
  • Participate in visitation training.
  • Visit to minister only. Do not accept meals within the visits.